Upcoming events.

Hope Adventures
Hope Adventures serves kids entering Kindergarten up to 5th grade in the 2023-2024 school year with high energy, super messy fun daily from 9am-noon. Kids will learn the Gospel while building friendships through games, messy art, stories and songs. $50/kids until the end of May; $60 in the month of June; fee includes all supplies and 2 snacks.

Baptism Sunday
Our next baptism service will be on Sunday 4/7 at 10:00 AM. If you are interested in taking that next step in your faith journey with Christ, sign up clicking below.

Hope Kids Spring Break Camp
All kids in K-5th are invited to join us daily (April 1st - April 5th) 9am-12pm daily, for a week of games, stories, music, activities, friends and fun! We'll be exploring together how Jesus loves us through our very messy lives in our What A Messy camp!

Egg Dash
Easter is a season of hope. It is also a time of family and fun! Join us at Hope Community Church on Saturday, March 30th, at 9am for a free pancake breakfast and an egg dash to follow for kids Nursery-5th grade at 10am.

Father Daughter Dance
There are few things more important than the investment a father makes into the life of his daughter. We want to create a space for this to happen. On Friday, February 9h, from 6:00-8:00pm, we will host our annual Father/Daughter Dance. There will be snacks and drinks, tons of music and dancing, a photo booth and a good time for everyone involved!

It is that time of year! We are hosting our annual Trunk or Treat at Cyan Park this year. Spread the word, sign up your car for a booth, or donate candy.

Fall Break Play Day
Fall Break Play Day is a full day, FREE event for kids K-5th grade to boost confidence, build self-esteem, and create connection through theater and improv games. The event runs 9am-5pm and includes 2 snacks & lunch. Kids will need to bring a reusable water bottle, marked with their names.

Tahoe Baptism
Our annual Lake Tahoe Baptism is Sunday, August 27th at Sand Harbor. If you are interested in taking that next step in your faith journey with Christ, click below to sign up and we’ll be in touch with you.
The parking lot at Sand Harbor opens up at 5:00 and the Baptism service will begin at 6:00pm. Afterwards, we’ll celebrate together with a BBQ.

Back to School Movie Night
Come out as we finish the summer off on a high note and welcome in the new school year! Invite your friends, family and neighbors for this fun night in the community. This is an event suitable for all ages to have a great time.
Huffaker Park, for all families young and less young; FREE event includes a movie (Super Mario Bros), popcorn, tons of sugar, refreshments, Cosplay characters for pictures; select food trucks available for purchase.

Independence Day Service & BBQ
One service at 10:00 with a BBQ to follow. If you’d like to help with the BBQ, contact Nathan Hartley.

Hope Adventures
Hope Adventures serves kids entering Kindergarten up to 5th grade in the 2023-2024 school year with high energy, super messy fun daily from 9am-noon. Kids will learn the Gospel while building friendships through games, messy art, stories and songs. $50/kids until the end of May; $60 in the month of June; fee includes all supplies and 2 snacks.

Child Dedications
We believe in the role of a parent as the primary spiritual influence in their child's life. As the church we want to come alongside these parents as they commit to this process, what a better way to start than by dedicating them to the Lord?!
If you’re interested in dedicating your child, we will have a mandatory class on 5/7 during the 9:00 service. Sign ups coming soon.

Our next baptism service will be on Sunday 4/16 at 10:00 AM. If you are interested in taking that next step in your faith journey with Christ, sign up clicking below.

Egg Dash
Easter is a season of hope. It is also a time of fun and family! Join us at 9am for a pancake breakfast, lawn games and some raffle giveaways with an egg dash to follow for kids Nursery-5th grade at 10am on the pad at the church!

Hope Kids Spring Break Camp
All kids in Kinder thru 5th grade are invited to join us for a week of fun while we learn together how to build bridges and connect with others. Each day includes Bible stories, games, art, music and snacks. Don't miss on the fun while school is taking a break!

Vertical Camp: An Overnight Experience
Experience God in the outdoors!
A getaway experience for kids going into 2nd grade-graduating 5th grade! Come away with Hope Kids Ministry and engage in summer fun and transformative community!

Hope Adventures
Hope Adventures is an exciting opportunity for elementary age kids to experience God's love and connect with friends in a safe and super fun environment!
High energy games, music, crafts, and interactive storytelling.
Open to anyone entering K-5th grade in the 2021/2022 school year. Early bird registration is $45 (April 4th-30th), standard registration is $50 (May 1-6th), and late registration/"at the door" is $60 (June 7th and beyond). The first 20 kids registered will receive a color changing camp water bottle!